
Written by: John-Paul

One of the big concerns is how we might get materials to build the Earth Lab. It would be easy to throw money at the project and head down to Mitre10 for everything that we need, but that’s not what this project is about. We know we can’t keep using up the Earth’s resources, the resources of future generations. There is enough waste and enough materials discarded that we shouldn't need to buy anything new.

Unfortunately this does create problems in terms of timing as we have to be on a constant lookout for materials and they may not be available when we need them, and they may also not be quite what we’re looking for.

This means we’re going to have to be flexible in terms of how we build the Earth Lab and to a big degree the materials that we find will dictate the project. At the same time the Earth Lab has to look good and function well. It should not be a compromise, we just have to be creative. 

Recently I came across 18 plywood sheets for sale that had been used for an art project and I’ve agreed to buy those for the Earth Lab. I’m also a regular visitor to the Recycle Centre, the charity shops and Restore. This weekend I came across 20m of 12V LED strip for example which could be really useful.

Please keep an eye out for anything that we could use in the Earth Lab.